Meet friends, do crafts, and leave your house!

Welcome to the Chicago Craft Club! We're a group of passionate 18+ artists and crafters from all over the creative spectrum living in the Chicagoland area.

This group is about meeting fellow crafters that are passionate about crafting and community, learning from each other, and just plain ol' hanging out.

The Chicago Craft Club is for everyone - regardless of disability, sexual orientation, age (as long as you're an adult), gender identity, ethnicity, color, or origin.

how to join the craft club

Joining is as simple as signing up for our online community on Geneva and/or coming to one of our meetups.

some of the things we like to do are...
  • byoc* meetups
  • share art supplies
  • teach each other

*bring your own craft

do you have an idea for an event? interested in volunteering? have a business inquiry?

please contact us at